Chemical Peel

What is

Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel treatment also known as chemabrasion, chemexfoliation is a technique that involves Skin treatment, especially of face with the use of caustic chemical or acid that removes outer layer of the skin. It is used to eliminate wrinkles, blemishes, etc., in which solutions of different types are applied to the face, neck, or hands, causing a layer of skin to peel off.

Where is Chemical Peel used?

This procedure is used for:
Why should

chemical peel be done?

Chemical Peel Treatment Procedure:

Chemical peel treatment is an outpatient procedure and can be performed at a surgery center by an expert Dermatologist. Results largely depend on the skills of the person performing the procedure.

Before getting skin peel treatment, some people may need to follow a pre-peel program of 2 to 4 weeks, which leads to better results.

What are the

types of Chemical peel agents?

Who should

avoid Chemical peel?

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